Cross-curricular topics

Poppy Quilt - Anzac Day, Remembrance Day, Armistice Day
Make a collaborative poppy quilt with these poppy squares.
Great for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Veterans Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
There are 10 different styles of poppies. Plenty of choice for everyone!
2 poppy squares on each page.
Each square is approximately 13cm x 13cm.
Also included are quilt squares with the words:
* We will remember them.
* Lest we forget.
Simply colour, cut and place together to make a quilt.
Made on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day - Acrostic Poetry Writing (Bunting)
A poetry writing activity for your students that can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
Write the acrostic poem, add colour, cut and display as bunting.
Simply trim the flap off if you don’t want to display it as bunting.
There are 5 different styles of poppy headers for each of the words listed below. (80 different templates altogether).
The 16 Words:
ANZAC DAY (for NZ and Australian classrooms)
GALLIPOLI (for NZ and Australian classrooms)
Provided in 2 Paper Sizes:
♦ A4 paper size
♦ Letter paper size
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

War Remembrance – Wall Balls
These ‘wall balls’ look great displayed on the classroom wall. They can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
♦ Armistice Day
Colour, cut and display on the wall.
A blank circle (same size) is also provided as an optional additional activity. Your students can draw or write something in the circle and then attach it behind the poppy circle. Lift the flap to view what is underneath. Two templates are included – completely blank; with lines for writing.
There are 8 Different Sets of Templates:
♦ We Will Remember Them
♦ Lest We Forget
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Anzac Day (NZ/AU classrooms)
♦ Gallipoli (NZ/AU classrooms)
There are 5 different poppy images in each set.
Approximate size of circle: 18 cm in diameter.
Provided in 2 paper sizes:
♦ A4 paper size
♦ Letter paper size
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day - Diamante Poetry Writing
A poetry writing activity for your students that can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Veterans Day
The Diamante Poem looks at nouns, verbs, adjectives and synonyms/antonyms.
This resource contains 2 different frameworks for your students to use.
Included in this Resource:
♦ 2x framework charts
♦ Example poems for both of the frameworks
♦ 15 different publishing templates.
Provided in 2 Paper Sizes:
♦ A4 size paper
♦ Letter size paper
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Poppy Templates - Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, War Remembrance
A handy resource for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Veterans Day
10 Different Designs:
Great for making wreaths and other craft activities.
Made on A4 size paper.
12 poppies per sheet.
Please note that this resource is for teachers to use in the classroom, not for sellers to make products with. It is a PDF file. It is not clip art. Thanks.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Ode of Remembrance – Classroom Activities
Classroom activities that can be used when looking at war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
♦ 2x wall charts
♦ Circle with poem in the middle. Decorate the border and poppy. Cut if desired.
♦ Poem with poppy border. Draw a picture in the oval.
♦ 2x bookmark templates. Colour, cut, fold and glue. Laminate if desired.
♦ Sequencing activity. Cut the pieces out and glue the poem in order.
♦ Pattern Art.
2 Paper Sizes:
♦ A4 paper size
♦ Letter paper size
2 per page: bookmarks, circles, sequencing.
The Ode of Remembrance:
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Written by: Laurence Binyon
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day – Poetry in a Pocket
A creative way to present some poetry on war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
Write the acrostic poem in the square and then cut it out. Fold the pocket template and glue the poem in centre, under the flaps.
Template Options:
♦ Acrostic Poem – 8 templates to choose from (see list below).
♦ Ode of Remembrance – this is not a writing activity, it is just a copy of the poem that students can glue in and learn.
♦ ‘Thank you for …’ – write a list of things you appreciate about the men/women who serve in the military.
♦ Blank – decide on your own writing (or drawing) activity.
The Acrostic Poem Templates:
Approximate size (once folded): 9cm x 8.5cm.
Two Paper Sizes:
♦ A4 paper size
♦ Letter paper size
Please note that with the letter size paper, the pocket template is on one piece of paper and the square that gets glued in the middle is on another piece of paper (4 squares per sheet).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day - Haiku Poem on a Poppy Bookmark
A poetry writing activity for your students that can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
This poem has the format of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables.
Write the poem then add colour, cut, fold in half and glue together. Laminate if desired.
♦ 2 x poppy bookmark templates – with and without lines for writing
♦ 1 x soldier silhouette bookmark template – with and without lines for writing
♦ Poem Framework
♦ Example poem
2 paper sizes:
♦ A4 size paper
♦ Letter size paper
Approximate size: 19cm x 7 cm (once folded)
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day – Poppy Watches
A fun activity for junior students. Colour the poppy watch and wear it around your wrist.
2 Different Designs:
♦ Poppy in a circle
♦ Poppy
Each design has the option of a plain band, or one with the words ‘ANZAC DAY’ written on it.
Made on A4 size paper.
4 watches per sheet.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day - Colour the Poppy
A simple colouring activity for your students that can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
6 different templates:
♦ 1x blank border with a poppy in the middle
♦ 5x patterned border with a poppy in the middle
2 paper sizes:
♦ A4 size paper
♦ Letter size paper
Approximate size: 18cm diameter.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day - Cinquain Poetry Writing
A poetry writing activity for your students that can be used for war remembrance days such as:
♦ Anzac Day
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Armistice Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Veterans Day
This poem has a noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, a 4 word phrase and a synonym.
Write the poem and then colour the poppy and border. They look great cut out and displayed on the classroom wall.
There are 5 different styles of poppies.
♦ 5x publishing templates - with lines for writing
♦ 5x publishing templates – no lines
♦ Poem Framework
♦ Example poem
2 paper sizes:
♦ A4 size paper
♦ Letter size paper
Approximate size: 18cm x 22cm.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali – Candle Display Mats
A fun, effective art activity for your students when celebrating Diwali (The Festival of Lights).
Colour, cut and place a tealight candle in the centre. Laminate if desired.
♦ 4 x templates with a design
♦ 1 x blank template (students design their own pattern)
Approximately 16.5cm in diameter.
Provided in 2 paper sizes:
♦ A4 paper
♦ Letter paper
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Matariki - Reading comprehension activity and paper lantern craft
Celebrate the Māori New Year with this literacy and craft resource. Read the article in the NZ School Journal, complete the follow-up comprehension activity and then make a paper lantern.
The School Journal article is not provided in this resource.
You will need access to: New Zealand School Journal – Part 1 – Number 3 – 2005
The article is about 2 children who find old kamokamo shells under their Gran’s hedge. They plant the seeds and wait for the new kamokamo to grown. They make lanterns out of the dried shells during Matariki.
Reading Comprehension Activity:
After reading the article in the school journal, students make a kamokamo flip book to show the order that events happened in the article. There are a total of 14 events plus a title page and a back page to colour. The kamokamo are on two A4 pages. There are 2 sets of activity sheets – one set has clues in the stalk of the picture to indicate ‘beginning, middle or end’ (B, M, E). This set is suitable for your students that require some extra support to complete the task. Answers are provided.
Paper Lantern Activity:
There are various templates that you can choose from to print and use. Please click on the ‘Look Inside’ button above to see examples of all templates. Some are for colouring only, and others require your students to add further decoration/patterns. A ‘handle’ template is also included however you may just wish to use scrap paper for this. Instructions are provided.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Taniwha - mask, art, wall display
This resource contains black/white and coloured taniwha heads that can be used in a number of ways. For example: masks for drama, art projects and wall displays.
A handy resource when studying Māori myths and legends.
♦ black/white taniwha for students to colour and personalise. A variety of templates are included (same design but certain features are included/excluded).
♦ coloured taniwha heads x10
♦ coloured taniwha heads and upper body x10
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Zoo Animals – Escaped Posters
A fantastic activity for descriptive writing.
♦ 27 x Templates with words (Name, Description, If seen please contact)
♦ 27 x Templates without words (9 lines to write on)
♦ 2 x Templates without pictures of animals (draw your own). With/without words.
The 27 Animals:
Polar Bear
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Pirates - Stick Puppet Templates
10 pirate templates to make stick puppets. 5 boys and 5 girls.
Students decide what sort of emotion they would like their pirate to have and draw the face accordingly (eg happy, excited, sad, surprised, angry …)
If desired, your students could draw a different emotion on two of the templates (same pirate) and then stick them back to back with the craft stick in between. Then they can simply turn the puppet around during their performances to show a different emotion.
Also included is a pirate captain (face already drawn) and a blank template to make additional pirates/props.
2 formats for your printing convenience:
♦ boy pirates + captain on one page / girl pirates + captain on one page.
♦ six of the same pirate on each page.
A super-fun activity to encourage oral language development.
Great for ‘Talk like a pirate day’.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Zoo Animals – Basic Report
A fun concertina booklet to present information about 27 different zoo animals.
The Report Headings:
What do I look like?
What do I eat?
Who are my enemies?
What do I like to do?
Where do I live?
Interesting fact.
What type of animal am I? (amphibian, bird, fish, mammal, reptile – tick the correct box)
Cover page – give the animal a name; write your own name; colour the animal.
How To Construct:
1. Trim around the outside of the page.
2. Fold in half and glue.
3. Concertina fold to make a booklet.
♦ Template for 27 different zoo animals.
♦ Blank template (to make for other animals).
♦ Construction instructions.
The Animals:
Polar Bear
Designed on A4 size paper. Can be enlarged to allow additional room for writing.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Zoo Animals – are… can… have…
Activity sheets for students to complete to show their knowledge of 27 different animals that are commonly found in zoos.
Suggestions for use:
* showing current knowledge before commencing an animal unit.
* recording knowledge during research.
• Activity sheet for 27 different animals.
• Blank template
• Alternative spelling for the plural of flamingo (flamingos / flamingoes)
The Animals:
Polar Bear
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Zombies - Stick Puppet Templates
10 zombie boys/girls to make stick puppets. (5 boys and 5 girls).
Provided in colour and black/white.
Also included is a blank template to make additional characters/props.
2 formats for your printing convenience:
♦ 10 small zombie templates on one page (one of each character).
♦ 4 large zombie templates on one page (four different characters).
A super-fun activity to encourage oral language development. Great for literacy centres, imaginative play, drama activities, story retells, etc. Perfect for Halloween fun.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Prince and Princess - Stick Puppet Templates
10 prince/princess templates to make stick puppets. 5 boys and 5 girls.
Students decide what sort of emotion they would like their prince/princess to have and draw the face accordingly (eg happy, excited, sad, surprised, angry …)
If desired, your students can draw a different emotion on two of the templates (same character) and then stick them back-to-back with the craft stick in between. Then they can simply turn the puppet around during their performances to show a different emotion.
Also included is a blank template to make additional characters/props.
2 formats for your printing convenience:
♦ 5x princes on one page and 5 x princesses on one page
♦ six of the same prince/princess on each page.
A super-fun activity to encourage oral language development. Great for literacy centres, imaginative play, drama activities, story retells, etc.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources